Généalogie >> Ordre Accipitriformes >> Famille Accipitridés
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Yellow Water, Kakadu National Park


Marque Nikon D1X
Objectif Nikkor AF VR 80-400 mm f/4.5-5.6D   at 600 mm
Exposition 1/2500 s, f/5.6, ISO 400 
Taille de l'image 800 x 533 pixels


Deutsch  Weißbauch-Seeadler Dutch  Witbuikzeearend
Italian  Aquila pescatrice panciabianca Spanish  Pigargo Oriental


The Bald Eagle (North America), the White-bellied Sea Eagle (Australia), the White-tailed Eagle (Greenland, Iceland, northern Russia and Siberia) and the African Fish Eagle are relatives, along with four other members of the Haliaeetus (in French, Pygargue) gender. They vary mainly in the extent of white color in their head and tail; they are generally found near water and feed on fish and/or warterfowl.



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Pygargue blagre
Haliaeetus leucogaster
White-bellied Sea Eagle

Jean-Michel PAULUS